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Corporate Design

Language Guide

Gender-Inclusive in Text and Image

The University of Zurich is committed to using gender-inclusive language. The newly available language guide from the University of Zurich provides concrete examples and practical solutions for everyday use of gender-inclusive language.
Gender-Inclusive in Text and Image (in German)

Important Writing Styles

Official Designation of the University of Zurich

The correct and complete designation of our institution is:

German: "Universität Zürich"
English: "University of Zurich"

The Abbreviation "UZH"

The official abbreviation "UZH" (always in uppercase) can refer to the full name "Universität Zürich". In longer texts, the full form is used with the abbreviation in parentheses before its first use: "Die Universität Zürich (UZH) commits to scientific excellence. Therefore, it is crucial for UZH, ..."

Abbreviation "UZH" in Academic Titles

The abbreviation UZH is an integral part of the academic titles Bachelor and Master and is used alone: "Master of Science UZH"

Location Designations

The correct location designations for the UZH sites are:

"Universität Zürich, Zentrum"
"Universität Zürich, Irchel"
"Universität Zürich, Oerlikon"
"Universität Zürich, Schlieren"
"University of Zurich, City Campus"
"University of Zurich, Irchel Campus"
"University of Zurich, Oerlikon Campus"
"University of Zurich, Schlieren Campus"

English Language Norm

The UZH uses American English in its English-language documents. The American spelling applies particularly to expressions in official UZH designations (e.g., "center", "program"). Naturally, British English is also possible and sensible in documents primarily addressed to a British audience.


The most important designations for the structure of the University Management and Central Services in German and English can be found on the corporate website: Universität Zürich: Organisation

The key terms of UZH in German and English can be found in the terminology database:

Address Formats

Sender Address

For mentioning the sender's address, a uniform address norm applies to all organizational units of the University of Zurich:

University of Zurich
Organizational Unit
Postal Code City


University of Zurich
Künstlergasse 15
8001 Zurich

University of Zurich
Anatomical Institute
Winterthurerstr. 190
8057 Zurich

University of Zurich
Department of Geography
Winterthurerstr. 190
8057 Zurich

Email Signature

The signature contains no logos and is identical in all email formats, purely text-based:

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Peter Muster
Position / Chair

University of Zurich
Prof. Dr. Peter Muster
Organizational Unit
Seilergraben 53
8001 Zurich
+41 44 251 76 44


Prof. Dr. Peter Muster, University of Zurich, Organizational Unit, Postal Code Zurich, Switzerland,

Weiterführende Informationen

English Language Services

Universität Zürich
Philip Isler
Seilergraben 49
8001 Zürich