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With the master account for your domain (usually listmaster@<institut> you get the role "Privileged Listmaster" and can create any lists. This is done via the button Create List in the header of the SYMPA web pages. This button, which is only visible if you are authorized to create lists based on your registration, takes you to a page where you have to choose between different list types.
List types
Configure lists
As a listmaster of a domain, you work as a privileged list owner. This gives you the right to create and delete lists in addition to an extended set of configuration options.
Rename lists
If you want to rename a list, contact Central IT.
Delegate lists
Under Admin/List Configure/List Description, add additional owners. These will then be given the role of a simple list owner.
Lists are deleted under Admin/Delete list. Server internally the lists are not deleted with it, but only closed. Two weeks after a list has been deleted by an IT owner, it will also be removed from the server.
Define owner
Under Admin/Edit List Config/List definition/Owner the list owners are entered.
If the delegated list owner is set the attribute "Privileged", he has all possible privileges for the corresponding list and he can also define further list owners.
With SYMP you can create hierarchical lists under "Admin / Configure list / Data source / Insert list".
Since the list owner gets insight into their subscribers when specifying sublists and also any lists of other institutes can be specified, such lists have to be configured by Central IT or the IT managers.
When configuring such lists, we ask you to weigh up data protection considerations particularly carefully. This means, for example, not to pass on the insight into the subscribers if the list includes information from other institutes, and not to delegate the administration of such lists.