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Central IT Teaching and Research

General Terms and Conditions Multimedia Production

  1. MELS generally provides services for research and teaching at the UZH and for departments of the Central Services and museums of the UZH free of charge; partial services subject to a charge are specified in the respective service descriptions.
  2. In accordance with the financial handbook, all project participants on the part of the client who provide services relevant to copyright law must transfer the rights of use and exploitation to the University of Zurich by means of a declaration of assignment.
  3. Persons who appear in the film must sign a declaration of consent.
  4. Unitectra must be consulted for the exploitation of the multimedia productions. The distribution of income is carried out in accordance with the financial handbook.
  5. (Co-)authors on the part of MELS have the right to be named personally. MELS as an organisational unit also has the right to be named as (co-)author.
  6. MELS is entitled to use parts of a production it has created in one project in other projects without mentioning the source and without consulting its client. This right refers to material that is neutral in terms of content (e.g. landscapes, scientific illustrations or unspecific recordings of any kind) and that does not show any obvious connection with the original project. The use of the material is subject to strict protection of the personal rights of any persons depicted. The agreement of more severe restrictions is possible in individual cases and must be agreed before the start of the project or - if not foreseeable earlier - at the latest before the production of a scene in question.

  7. Projects are planned jointly by the Client and MELS. Both parties shall endeavour to meet agreed deadlines wherever possible. In particular, the Client shall be responsible for coordinating with third parties it has consulted itself, unless otherwise agreed, and for obtaining permission to film at the respective locations.

  8. The client is responsible for obtaining all rights of use of copyrighted material to be used in the production.
  9. Likewise, the client is responsible for obtaining permission for the presentation of individually identifiable persons.
  10. Deviating agreements are possible by arrangement.

Weiterführende Informationen

Transfer of rights

We will send you the completed form for you to sign before the project begins.